Entrepreneurship in Utajärvi

Utajärvi Business Park Ltd offers free counseling for businesses. We are a carbon-smart development municipality, creating conditions for the birth of new businesses and supporting the activities of both starting and existing businesses. In Utajärvi, we have

  • smooth permit processes
  • active business services supporting entrepreneurs
  • a diverse range of quality plots
  • developing business areas with readily available workforce
  • cost-effective, uninterrupted electricity from our own hydroelectric power plant in the Mustikkakangas industrial area, providing a stable operating environment
  • fast fiber-optic broadband throughout the municipality
  • ecological district heating from oat husks
  • pioneering initiatives in green energy projects.

If you have any questions about entrepreneurship, please contact us.

Read more on Utajärvi Business Park's website.

latest update 31.05.2024 10:48